Common Phishing Attacks in Bhutan and How to Protect Yourself

Phishing is a method of stealing confidential information by sending fraudulent messages to a victim. It is one of the most prevalent scams in Bhutan.These messages can be sent via email, SMS, social media, instant messenger or phone call. They can look extremely sophisticated and convincing, replicating legitimate messages from reputable senders. As well as featuring official-looking logos and disclaimers, phishing emails typically include a ‘call to action’ to trick us into giving out our most sensitive personal information, from passwords to bank details. Various phishing scams have targeted customers of Bhutan Telecom, TashiCell and Bank of Bhutan(BoB). All...

Playing it Safe: Avoiding Online Gaming Risks

Introduction: We all love playing online games; from time to time until late in the night on our mobile devices, gaming consoles, or computer. One of the most amazing things about gaming now,  is that we are connected to the whole world and can interact with each other in many ways. To do so, we are required to set up accounts on game platforms and talk to people we don’t know at all. With this new level of activity comes risks, especially from: social interactions with strangers who may trick you into revealing personal or financial information computer intruders...

Minimising Effects of Cyberbullying

Cyber-bullying is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor. With the advent of Social Media, many kids who are bullied online feel completely ashamed and publicly humiliated and can’t see a way past the embarrassment. They don’t have the skills to handle it and don’t know where to seek help. Schools and parents need...

How to Recognise and Protect against Email Scams

Introduction: Email provides us a convenient and powerful communications tool. Unfortunately, it also provides scammers and other malicious individuals an easy means for luring potential victims. To protect yourself from these scams, you should understand what they are, what they look like, how they work, and what you can do to avoid them. Unsolicited commercial email, or “spam,” is the starting point for many email scams. Before the advent of email, a scammer had to contact each potential victim individually by post, fax, telephone, or through direct personal contact. These methods would often require a significant investment in time...

Security of Mobile Devices

Introduction: Today’s advanced mobile devices are well integrated with the Internet and have far more functionality than mobile phones of the past. They are increasingly used in the same way as personal computers (PCs), potentially making them susceptible to similar threats affecting PCs connected to the Internet. Since mobile devices can contain vast amounts of sensitive and personal information, they are attractive targets that provide unique opportunities for criminals intent on exploiting them. Both individuals and society as a whole can suffer serious consequences if these devices are compromised. A multitude of threats exist for mobile devices, and the list...