NRD CS with NRD AS and BAIP will implement a national cyber security incident response team (BtCIRT) in Bhutan

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NRD CS in joint venture with Norway Registers Development AS and BAIP signed an agreement with Department of IT & Telecom under the Ministry of Information & Communications, the Royal Government of Bhutan for the consultancy services to establish BtCIRT, help identify nation’s critical information infrastructure and ensure its protection.

“The Royal Government of Bhutan has prioritized ICT as the principal enabler for a knowledge-based society – a society that learns to learn, with a sound development policy inspired by the philology of Gross National Happiness. The department of IT and Telecom (DITT) under the Ministry of Information and Communications has undertaken numerous initiatives to enable Bhutan to build a knowledge society, including the establishment of ICT backbone infrastructure to improve access, developing and promoting the use of application systems. The Department is working to promote Bhutan as an IT destination, an ICT knowledge led economy, to drive economic development. Cyber security and the national BtCIRT establishment is a key component to bring maturity and stability to Bhutan’s digital economy”, said the offtg. Director of DITT Jigme Tenzing.

The overall objective of the project is to set up a fully operational BtCIRT within the Department of IT & Telecom in the Ministry of Information and Communications in order to coordinate information flow, respond to and manage cyber threats, and enhance cyber security in the country. The BtCIRT will serve as a trusted and central coordination point of contact for cyber security aimed at identifying, defending, responding to and managing cyber threats.

“We are committed to implementing an effective national CIRT in Bhutan which responds to the country’s cybersecurity needs and supports its digital agenda. We bring a practical approach, based on international frameworks. We believe that extending the National CIRT capabilities, improving cyber defense processes and technologies as well as building a competent Community of shareholders are fundamental to the success of the project”, commented the CEO of NRD CS Dr Vilius Benetis.

The scope of the project includes user requirement specification and computer networks, pre-installation and preparation of a step-by-step guide for network and hardware, installation and testing of software, and any further enhancements required for application and training.

The contract is worth USD 150,489 (inclusive of local indirect taxes). It is executed by the Department of Information Technology & Telecom under the Ministry of Information & Communications, the Royal Government of Bhutan.
